Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Fight To Stop Foreclosure – and You Can Even Get Good Clean – Free and Clear Title

We can help you sue the Lender, if you want to sue for free and clear title to your home in the midst of efforts to stop foreclosure and save your home.

With the amount of frequent law violations the lenders and servicers of your mortgage and loan typically engage in it is possible to have the number and/or severity of the violations add up so high as to warranty a judge or a jury to grant you free and clear title, i.e. good and clean title to your property.

There are times where the only real fair and equitable remedy for the homeowner is to sever the link between the mortgage loan and the lenders interest in the property due to failings on the part of the lender to demonstrate it (the lender) can overcome numerous technical requirements that must be met in order to foreclose, when those technical requirements are brought up/alleged by the homeowner in court to challenge the lenders right to sue.

Click here for more information.

Monday, August 3, 2015

New Maranatha Jesus & Our Father Prayer Warrior Christian Social Network Rising

There's a call for believers to join together online to touch the heart of God and bring peace amidst the troubles of this world. The Immanuel Prayer Wheel online Christian community is bringing people together around seeking God's help for individuals families, communities and nations.


Today the host announces that the site is set to open its online membership doors to the masses on June 1, 2015, as one of the latest Christian social networking sites on the web and part of the family of sites centering on helping people in various areas of life. The Host of the site Guy Te Watson says "This site is for people with heart felt desire to say Maranatha, Come Lord Jesus, in individual lives and communities; come to the hurting and to the world to be that Prince of Peace the everyone needs."

Click here for more information.